Made by Things: Concept Development
During my time interning at Made by Things, BVK, an advertising agency based in Milwaukee, WI, approached the studio with a project idea for their client, the University of Florida. They wanted to showcase interviews and b-roll in an entertaining way that would keep the audience engaged. However, we needed to think outside of the box, as there would be no opportunity to film in person.
I was brought on at the beginning of the project, tasked with exploring the various directions this College collage could go. After researching what made this college special to its students and alumni, we set out to create a series of style frames, inspired by collages and scrapbooks that would instill a sense of nostalgia for those already connected with the college, but also spark excitement for those looking to attend.
My work on this project culminated in 5 distinct styles and a series of test animations.
See full project at

Style 1 was the most balanced combination of illustration and collage and was subsequently chosen for the design direction of the project. It aimed to captuer the feeling of a not book pasted with photos of iconic university landmarks and doodled over with their dreams. When looking at the final design you can see the strong inspiration from the original styleframes as well as subtle influence from the other styles.


Test animation
Style 2 was all about the fun, getting swept away onto an exciting new adventure. Utilizing fluid animation, this design is all about creativity and endless possibilities.


Style 3 was testing out what it would look like if we through in everything, even the kitchen sink. Planned to be offset with minimal test slides; It screams “there is so much you can do and accomplish here."

Style 4 is about being bold. Using strong graphic composition this design is striking, but did not quite feel it hit the heart of the story we aimed to tell and was better suited for print.

Style 5 was more of a fun exploration into the potential illustrative elements that could be utilized in conjunction with collage elements. However as fun as they are, they were never meant to be used as stand-alone elements.